Show your class how ELISA works with our interactive model!
Early detection of an infectious disease such as coronavirus is crucial to reducing the spread of such diseases. Our model shows how the important medical test enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is used to detect patients who have a virus or who have previously been exposed to a virus.
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ELISA relies on the use of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that are used together to amplify a small signal. The model shows how primary antibodies, secondary antibodies and detection works in direct ELISA, indirect ELISA and sandwich ELISA.
Time takes about 30 minutes. Dimensions of antibodies: 8cm/3in x 5cm/2in.
Includes full colour Powerpoint classroom presentation!
Download includes: instructions, colour and mono model templates and Powerpoint file.
All you need: paper, scissors and tape.